1. Add our url link ( http://www.rbcoenterprises.com ) to one of your pages (must be your main, default or index page or any other page that is indexed and spidered by search engines*: 2. Fill out the form below and send: 3. We will check to make sure its there then we will add your link to this list below which is linked to our index page so it will be spidered by the search engines.
*Our link must be placed on either your main, default or index page. If not, a link to the page must be made from your main, default or index page to the page where the link will be placed or it won't be found by the search engine spiders. So if not on your main page, just make a hyperlink on your index page to the page where the link to our site is placed. Remember, the more pages that link to your page, the better. This is an easy, no-cost way to do it. All you have to do is reciprocate.